The Natural Resources Commission has approved additions to two of our nature preserves, declaring the extensions state-dedicated. The decision adds a total of more than 65 acres of protected land to the Laura Hare Nature Preserve at Blossom Hollow in Johnson County and the Mossy Point Nature Preserve in Parke County.
Blossom Hollow‘s 40 additional acres were acquired some time back but the state dedication affords a deeper layer of protection. This upland forest is home to neotropical migrant birds, as well as red-shouldered hawks and bald eagles.
Mossy Point‘s 25 acres of additional land also came under protection some time back but are now given the stronger protections of being state-dedicated. The area features numerous uncommon plants and has one of the southernmost populations of relic Eastern Hemlock. It is also a breeding area for several species of thrush and warblers, as well as a winter roost for bald eagles.

Shawndra Miller
Communications Director