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Jacob Schramm Nature Preserve is a mature woods that seems to arise out of the surrounding farm fields as you drive down County Road 600 West near New Palestine. An easy loop trail takes you through the property, which features American basswood, American beech, American hornbeam, shagbark hickory, slippery elm, sugar maple and sycamore trees. In spring, beautiful wildflowers blanket the forest floor.

History of the Property

Jacob Schramm Nature Preserve was permanently protected in 1999. This property is owned by the Hancock County Community Foundation, and CILTI helps manage the stewardship on the property.

Planning your Visit

From Interstate 70, take Mount Comfort exit and head south. The property is on the right just before County Road 200 South. A sign marks the property with a designated parking area.

Full Details
Accessibility Open to the Public
Water Feature N/A
Trails Easy, 0.6 Miles
Parking A sign marks the property with a designated parking area.


The preserve is located at 1926 S 600 W, New Palestine. From Interstate 70, take Mount Comfort exit and head south. The property is on the right just before County Road 200 South. A sign marks the property with a designated parking area.

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