Tree planting at Glacier's End

Be a Part of the Climate Solution

If you traveled this holiday season, there’s something you can do to lighten your footprint. Offset your travel miles with CILTI!

Whether you flew or drove to your destination, we can help you offset the emissions. Learn how many trees we need to plant on your behalf by filling out our carbon calculator.

Where does your money really go when you offset your travel miles? If you choose CILTI, it stays right here in Indiana. All funds contributed through the calculator are used towards CILTI’s program to plant trees, including stewardship cost and program administration.

Our stew crew uses the tree planter they call “Aldo” (after conservationist Aldo Leopold) to get trees in the ground efficiently. In both species mix and placement, this reforestation work is strategic. The goal is to expand and buffer Central Indiana’s natural areas—which is good for both climate and habitat. This is what our Million Tree Initiative is all about.⁠

Want to be a part of the solution? Simply plug your mileage in to see how many trees would offset your airline or car travel. Then make your contribution. We’ll take it from there.⁠

Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.