Milkweed seeds

Collect Native Seeds to Speed Winter Along

As the days shorten and temperatures dip, nature-lovers might get a little restless, dreading the long winter months ahead. But there’s an easy and fun way to ward off seasonal blahs.

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Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Pine Hills Nature Preserve, DNR Photo – Division of Nature Preserves

Explore Indiana’s Geologic Wonders and Majestic Forests

Third in a series by board member John Bacone

Note: A version of this series appeared in the Indiana Parks Alliance newsletter and the Indiana Native Plant Society Journal.

Indiana is a place of varied terrain and stunning geologic wonders. Many of our most popular nature preserves are beloved for their geologic features, including Pine Hills (incised meanders), Portland Arch (natural bridge), and Jug Rock (mushroom cap).
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John Bacone


Board member John Bacone retired in 2019 after 40 years as the Director of the Division of Nature Preserves with Indiana DNR. 
Rocky Hollow-Falls at Turkey Run State Park

Indiana’s Nature Preserves Offer Glimpses of the Past

Second in a series by board member John Bacone

Note: A version of this series appeared in the Indiana Parks Alliance newsletter and the Indiana Native Plant Society Journal.

Indiana’s state-dedicated nature preserves are not only places of natural beauty. They also showcase what our state looked like in a bygone era. Continue reading

John Bacone


Board member John Bacone retired in 2019 after 40 years as the Director of the Division of Nature Preserves with Indiana DNR. 
Toothwort Woods Nature Preserve, DNR Photo – Division of Nature Preserves

With 300th Nature Preserve, We Celebrate Indiana’s Conservation History

First of a series by board member John Bacone

Note: A version of this series appeared in the Indiana Parks Alliance newsletter and the Indiana Native Plant Society Journal.

A major conservation milestone was reached this past October. The Natural Resources Commission dedicated Toothwort Woods as Indiana’s 300th nature preserve. Continue reading

John Bacone


Board member John Bacone retired in 2019 after 40 years as the Director of the Division of Nature Preserves with Indiana DNR. 
Phalen Leadership Academy Youth on the White River

Embracing Nature: A Recap of 2023

In the year 2023, our commitment to connecting people with nature led us to offer several outdoor activities. From volunteer days to guided hikes and special events, it was a year filled with exploration, education, and environmental stewardship. Continue reading

Traci Willis

Outreach Manager

Traci has always loved nature, channeling her passion into creating habitat for bees and butterflies (and taking stunning photographs of them). She coordinates our outreach efforts.
Witch hazel

Connecting with the Beauty of Winter

The arrival of winter turns nature monochromatic, leaving what might seem like a bleak landscape. The leaves have turned and mostly fallen, and most native plants go dormant.

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Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Jeanette Jaskula presenting at Oliver's Woods

Jeanette Jaskula Is Mothing in Indiana

This month’s Golden Hour was led by Jeanette Jaskula, the President of Friends of the Sands and a moth enthusiast! What’s so special about Jeanette’s passion for moths is that it goes against the grain of common wisdom. People sometimes think of moths as lesser, believing moths are dull in color, gross, and (creepily) only out at night. You’ll also always hear the butterfly glorified over the moth. But Jeanette introduced the joy of moths, reminding attendees of moths’ stunning colors, patterns, and important roles in our ecosystem. ⁠ Continue reading

Bridget Walls

Communications and Outreach Intern

Bridget is our first ever Communications and Outreach Intern. She is a graduate of Marian University, where she combined English, studio art, and environmental sciences in her degree studies. As treasurer for Just Earth, the university's environmental club, she helped plan events encouraging a responsible relationship between people, nature, and animals.
Using a plant identification book

April is Citizen Science Month

You probably already know that April is Earth Month and National Native Plant Month, but did you know that April is also Citizen Science Month*?

Citizen science is when members of the general public help conduct scientific research. It involves real people reporting observations and collecting real data that matters to them.

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Grace van Kan

White River Steward

Grace grew up roaming the woods, creeks and wetlands around the Chesapeake Bay watershed. From an early trout-raising project to a “gap year” spent restoring coral reefs in Thailand, her interest in aquatic conservation has only grown. Now she cares for several riverine nature preserves as CILTI’s White River Steward.

More Trails to Trek in 2022

It warmed our hearts to see people out enjoying our nature preserves in our inaugural Trek our Trails Challenge last year. This year, there are a few more trails to trek, and the challenge continues! We’ve expanded from five preserves to six, and extended a trail at one of our most beautiful preserves. Continue reading

Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Birds and poetry at Oliver's Woods

A Year in Nature

In 2021, we offered a variety of ways to get out in nature throughout the year. From guided hikes to volunteer days to special events, it was a great year to get outdoors.

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Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.