On Earth Day, we pause to give our gratitude to all you nature-lovers. We are so grateful for your ongoing support for nature. You are showing your connection and care for the earth in so many ways.
You’re trekking our trails, voicing your concern for wetlands, and pulling garlic mustard. And you continue to fund land protection, even through uncertain times.
Because of you, we’ve been able to proceed with our Million Tree Initiative. The trees planted will benefit declining species like the Eastern box turtle.
Because of you, Sugar Mill Creek Conservation Easement is protected forever. This beautiful Parke County land shelters hooded warblers, worm-eating warblers and cerulean warblers.
We now steward 6,000 acres of land across the middle third of the state. This acreage sequesters carbon. It helps control flooding and keep toxic runoff from entering waterways. It conserves topsoil. And its protection will never be undone.
Tomorrow’s children will be able to walk through forests and explore native prairies. They will find their own sense of wonder kindled in the natural world. They will have special places in nature that comfort them in troubled times.
All because of you.
Your commitment to nature is truly inspiring. You are leaving a real and tangible legacy for future generations—a legacy that extends far beyond the local impact.
So, thank you for showing up for nature. On this Earth Day, we ask that you continue your dedication to conservation by making a gift today.
Shawndra Miller
Communications Director