“Should I get rid of it?”
“What’s the best way to eradicate it?”
“What should I put there instead?”
Our stewardship team gets a lot of great questions about invasive species!
First off, what do we mean by “invasive”? Invasives species can be plants, animals, or insects. An invasive species is native to another part of the world but has been introduced to a new environment, intentional or not. Often, invasive species are transported by people and can be brought over in nursery shipments from overseas.
Many invasive terrestrial plants were introduced to North America as ornamentals, so you’ve probably seen them around.
Invasive species have the potential to out-compete native species and eradicate them from their natural habitat. Native animals and insects rely on native aquatic and terrestrial plants for habitat and sustenance. So when native plants recede from the landscape, it can have devastating effects down the line.
But conversely, removing an invasive can have far-reaching benefits! Our team has experienced this firsthand—for example, at Meltzer Woods. With the removal of wintercreeper, we’ve seen the return of spring ephemerals like trilliums and jack-in-the-pulpit, as well as rarer putty root orchids. (Read more about this success story here.)
So what’s the best course of action for landowners when it comes to dealing with invasives? There are many, many resources out there on invasive species, and it can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. The DNR invasive species web page offers a comprehensive species list.
Otherwise, a very effective way to learn about invasives is to join the CILTI stewardship crew during a volunteer day at one of our preserves!
If you are looking for more opportunities to get hands-on education or help out in your area, the State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management (SICIM) is an excellent jumping off point. Here, you can learn about invasive plant species throughout Indiana and find information on your local Cooperative Invasives Species Management Area (CISMA).
A CISMA is a local group or partnership that collectively manages invasive species in their area, typically by county. SICIM and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) have worked together since 2017 to develop CISMAs throughout the state of Indiana.
Get acquainted with your own property by having a landowner survey completed by one of SICIM’s regional specialists. During a landowner survey, an experienced individual will walk the property with the landowner (or land manager) to identify invasive species, recommend native species, and answer any questions. Find your regional specialist for this free service here.
The SICIM website is one of many great websites that provides an excellent variety of resources, from a blog series highlighting specific invasive species to a list of invasive species literature (some with free downloads!).
Also check out Indiana Native Plant Society (INPS), especially for more information on which native plants you can use to replace invasives and even your lawn.

A few of the invasive species that have commonly been used for landscaping in the past (and sometimes present) are:
- Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii)
- Callery pear (also called Bradford pear) (Pyrus calleryana)
- Wintercreeper (Euonymus fortunei)
- Burning bush (Euonymus alatus)
- Autumn olive (Elaegnus umbellata)
- Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii)
I’ll leave you with one of my favorite short-and-sweet resources, this pamphlet from INPS. This visual guide to invasives is available online through Purdue Extension. You can also pick one up from a White River Docent at Oliver’s Woods during one of the times docents are present (check the preserve page for schedule), or at one of our upcoming events.
In short, the best way to prevent the spread of invasive species is to eradicate them where they are and remove the seed-producing individuals. When planning a new landscaping project, make sure that you are only choosing native species. And, of course, support our team’s work so we can keep restoring native habitats across Central Indiana!

Grace van Kan
White River Steward