
Wilson's warbler, one of the birds that may be renamed

What’s in a Name?

Today is Juneteenth. The federal holiday celebrates the day in 1865 when Union troops told the remaining enslaved people they were emancipated.

As we mark this day in our nation’s past, it’s a good time to consider an aspect of history reflected in our conservation work. The common names of countless species reflect our nation’s racist past.

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Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Young Eastern box turtle at Betley Woods, by Karen Wade

Double your Impact this Summer!

We have some exciting news. The Herbert Simon Family Foundation has generously offered a matching grant to support our mission. Every dollar you donate by September 1, 2024, will be matched up to $50,000. Continue reading

Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Sandstone arch in the Lowe Tract, Hoosier National Forest

CILTI buys inholding of Hoosier National Forest to return to forest


Purchase prevents housing development from going into middle of national forest

The Central Indiana Land Trust, Inc. (CILTI) has closed on the purchase of 80 acres in Orange County that will eventually be added to the Hoosier National Forest. The property, known as the Lowe tract, was purchased at auction last month from private owners for $541,000. Continue reading

Jen Schmits Thomas

Media Relations

An award-winning communicator and recognized leader in Central Indiana’s public relations community, Jen helps us tell our story in the media. She is the founder of JTPR, which she and her husband John Thomas own together.
Callon Hollow

Protected Forest Expands with Addition to Callon Hollow

We recently closed on a six-acre addition to Callon Hollow, a nature preserve in Johnson County. Located in one of the most biodiverse forested areas in the state, this nature preserve offers habitat for species like broad-winged hawks, hooded warblers, and Eastern box turtles. Continue reading

Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Wild Geranium at Blossom Hollow

Land Trust Accreditation Commission Grants Reaccreditation

Did you know that CILTI goes through a rigorous process to ensure we are operating at the highest possible conservation standards? The Land Trust Accreditation Commission, the national accrediting body for land trusts, has renewed our accredited status! Continue reading

Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Callery pear flowering in a field bordering a nature preserve

White blossoms mask the new ‘silent spring’ threat

by Cliff Chapman
President, Central Indiana Land Trust

Those white-flowering trees you see along the highways and in neighborhoods throughout Central Indiana might seem like a welcome harbinger of spring, but they actually represent a threat similar to one recognized more than 60 years ago in the landmark book Silent Spring. Continue reading

Cliff Chapman

President and CEO

As President and CEO, Cliff keeps our focus on good science and stewardship. He’s mindful that the natural places you love took thousands of years to evolve and could be destroyed in a single day, and that knowledge drives his dedication to their protection.
Controlled burn at Nonie Werbe Krauss Nature Preserve

Supporting a Prairie Preserve with Fire

With a high plant diversity and stable plant populations, a prairie can provide habitat for a plethora of insects and birds. That’s one thing that makes our Nonie Werbe Krauss Nature Preserve so special. Almost 90 species of birds have been found on CILTI’s only prairie habitat nature preserve. Continue reading

Phillip Weldy

Stewardship Specialist

Phillip enjoys nature’s wonders from an up-close-and-personal perspective as he works to restore the natural places you love. He came to his stewardship role at CILTI after undertaking invasive species control and trail maintenance for Little Traverse Conservancy in Harbor Springs, MI.
Burnett Woods photo by Dick Miller

Founder Shares Early Origins of Central Indiana Land Trust

Ellen Jacquart was CILTI’s founder and first president. Now a board member, she contributed these thoughts on what it was like to pioneer starting a land trust in 1990.

After grad school, I moved to Indiana in 1987 to work as an intern at the Indiana DNR Division of Nature Preserves. That job transformed my life.

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Ellen Jacquart

Board Member

Ellen Jacquart was one of our organization’s founders. She spent her career managing natural areas in Indiana, working for the Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Forest Service, and The Nature Conservancy of Indiana before retiring in 2016.
Hoosier Prairie Nature Preserve, DNR Photo – Division of Nature Preserves

Savannas, Prairies, and their “Cousins”

Final in a series by board member John Bacone

Note: A version of this series appeared in the Indiana Parks Alliance newsletter and the Indiana Native Plant Society Journal.

Savannas, which are natural communities comprised of widely spaced oak trees in a matrix of prairie forbs, once were common in Indiana, especially in the northwest part of the state. Excellent examples of these fire-dependent communities have been protected at Stoutsburg Savanna and Tefft Savanna Nature Preserves in Jasper County and Conrad Station Nature Preserve in Newton County. Continue reading

John Bacone


Board member John Bacone retired in 2019 after 40 years as the Director of the Division of Nature Preserves with Indiana DNR. 
Sandhill cranes in Pokagon Fen, DNR Photo – Division of Nature Preserves

A Look at Indiana’s Wetland Preserves

Fourth in a series by board member John Bacone

Note: A version of this series appeared in the Indiana Parks Alliance newsletter and the Indiana Native Plant Society Journal.

Indiana has been blessed with numerous types of wetlands, and excellent examples of many of them are included within nature preserves.

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John Bacone


Board member John Bacone retired in 2019 after 40 years as the Director of the Division of Nature Preserves with Indiana DNR. 