Toothwort Woods Nature Preserve, DNR Photo – Division of Nature Preserves

With 300th Nature Preserve, We Celebrate Indiana’s Conservation History

First of a series by board member John Bacone

Note: A version of this series appeared in the Indiana Parks Alliance newsletter and the Indiana Native Plant Society Journal.

A major conservation milestone was reached this past October. The Natural Resources Commission dedicated Toothwort Woods as Indiana’s 300th nature preserve. Continue reading

John Bacone


Board member John Bacone retired in 2019 after 40 years as the Director of the Division of Nature Preserves with Indiana DNR. 
Burnett Woods in spring

Road Trip: Hendricks County

We asked Megan Rhodehamel, a supporter who lives in Hendricks County, to recommend some attractions near Burnett Woods. She offered this guest post.

A visit to Burnett Woods on a crisp morning is a perfect way to start the day. Approaching the nature preserve from Dan Jones Road, pull into Ziggi’s Coffee for a warm drink, then park toward the back of the Light and Life Methodist Church parking lot. Continue reading

Megan Rhodehamel

Guest Blogger

A lifelong Hoosier with a strong interest in the outdoors, animals and plants, Megan feels lucky to be able to support CILTI in important conservation work.
A Tree ID hike at Oliver's Woods led by volunteer White River Docents

Join our White River Docent Team

Have you ever attended one of CILTI’s guided hikes and thought that you might enjoy leading a hike yourself? Have you been inspired by a guided hike or program that you’ve participated in? You could join our White River Docent team!

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Grace van Kan

White River Steward

Grace grew up roaming the woods, creeks and wetlands around the Chesapeake Bay watershed. From an early trout-raising project to a “gap year” spent restoring coral reefs in Thailand, her interest in aquatic conservation has only grown. Now she cares for several riverine nature preserves as CILTI’s White River Steward.
Phalen Leadership Academy Youth on the White River

Embracing Nature: A Recap of 2023

In the year 2023, our commitment to connecting people with nature led us to offer several outdoor activities. From volunteer days to guided hikes and special events, it was a year filled with exploration, education, and environmental stewardship. Continue reading

Traci Willis

Outreach Manager

Traci has always loved nature, channeling her passion into creating habitat for bees and butterflies (and taking stunning photographs of them). She coordinates our outreach efforts.
Founders Fen

CILTI takes ownership of Hancock County site including unique fen


Seeks to buy adjacent land to fully protect feature rich in biodiversity and environmental impact

The Central Indiana Land Trust, Inc. (CILTI) has received ownership of a 9.8-acre Hancock County site from the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), allowing it to protect forever a biodiverse and environmentally significant feature known as a fen. Continue reading

Jen Schmits Thomas

Media Relations

An award-winning communicator and recognized leader in Central Indiana’s public relations community, Jen helps us tell our story in the media. She is the founder of JTPR, which she and her husband John Thomas own together.
Looking north across Snake Creek with Fern Station in the distance

CILTI expands Putnam County protected lands


Fern Cliff Addition adds to protected lands connected to Coca-Cola’s patented green glass

The Central Indiana Land Trust, Inc. (CILTI) has added to protected lands in Putnam County with the purchase of 27-acre Fern Cliff Addition.

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Jen Schmits Thomas

Media Relations

An award-winning communicator and recognized leader in Central Indiana’s public relations community, Jen helps us tell our story in the media. She is the founder of JTPR, which she and her husband John Thomas own together.
Witch hazel

Connecting with the Beauty of Winter

The arrival of winter turns nature monochromatic, leaving what might seem like a bleak landscape. The leaves have turned and mostly fallen, and most native plants go dormant.

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Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Grace removing invasive honeysuckle at White River Bluffs

“Is It Invasive?”

“Should I get rid of it?”

“What’s the best way to eradicate it?”

“What should I put there instead?”

Our stewardship team gets a lot of great questions about invasive species! Continue reading

Grace van Kan

White River Steward

Grace grew up roaming the woods, creeks and wetlands around the Chesapeake Bay watershed. From an early trout-raising project to a “gap year” spent restoring coral reefs in Thailand, her interest in aquatic conservation has only grown. Now she cares for several riverine nature preserves as CILTI’s White River Steward.
Meltzer Woods aerial, by Kyle Doles

National Self-Care Awareness Month: Find Your Zen in Nature

September is National Self-Care Awareness Month, a time to focus on personal health. One of the best ways to boost well-being is to spend time in nature.

We believe that everyone deserves access to nature. Part of our land protection mission is to enable Hoosiers to enjoy the benefits of the outdoors. Many studies show that time in nature promotes mental health and reduces stress. It can even enhance problem-solving skills. Continue reading

Shawndra Miller

Communications Director

Shawndra is in charge of sharing our story and connecting you to our work. Through our print and online materials, she hopes to inspire your participation in protecting special places for future generations.
Trout lily sample

Growing our Library of Botanical Knowledge

Clear scientific data is crucial in restoring and protecting land—especially data about a site’s plant life.  Just as E. Lucy Braun collected and pressed plants in her botanical studies, our field team collects specimens to document plant communities.

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Grace van Kan

White River Steward

Grace grew up roaming the woods, creeks and wetlands around the Chesapeake Bay watershed. From an early trout-raising project to a “gap year” spent restoring coral reefs in Thailand, her interest in aquatic conservation has only grown. Now she cares for several riverine nature preserves as CILTI’s White River Steward.