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Browning Marsh harbors more state-rare and -endangered species than any other similarly sized property in Central Indiana. It provides several wetland habitats including emergent marsh, forested wetland, and wet prairie.

On a fall evening, you might see hundreds of mallard, wood duck, pintail, blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, gadwall, Northern shoveler, ring-necked duck, and more. In summer it is a reliable site for rails, an elusive bird dependent on emergent marsh habitat. Three rail species have been known to breed here: sora rail regularly and Virginia and king rails (two state-endangered species) occasionally.

An interesting aquatic plant found at Browning Marsh is the American lotus, which is a native species on the watch list in our state.

Other rare bird species that nest onsite include red-shouldered hawk, sedge wren, least bittern, common moorhen, and hooded merganser. Great egret, American bittern, and black crowned night heron have been seen here as well.

Cricket frogs breed in the safety of the marsh, and their clicking calls can be heard night and day at the height of their breeding season. Butterflies and dragonflies abound here in season.

History of the Property

The Browning Family donated this property in 2009.

Planning your Visit

Contact our office if you have questions about access to this property.

Full Details
Accessibility Limited Access
Water Feature View of the marsh
Trails N/A
Parking N/A

Details on Access

The preserve is located at 7454 S Mayflower Park Drive, Zionsville. Call our office with any questions about access.

Google Maps Driving Directions

Current Weather

Fair, 14°F
W at 9 MPH